burning american flag
Democrat Senator from Minnesota Al Franken Posing as a Baby In Diapers
joe biden groping a womans breasts
Is Rachel Maddow a white supremacist The evidence says yes
The three globalist stooges Clinton Bush and Obama
Womans March organizer Linda Sarsour
De Blasios Staff Protest Picture
Democrats flipping the bird at memorial remembering more than 100 Million killed by Communism
One of the many times Obama was compared to Jesus Christ
Philidelphias Sugary Drink Tax Implemented Today
Chatty Cortez Doll Just Pull Her String For Free Stuff
Cory Booker voted against allowing Americans to get cheaper drugs from Canada took 267000 from big pharma
An angry purple haired woman dressed like a vagina lecturing us on human dignity
John Schindler Former NSA employee Tweet about IC war against Trump
Don King Trader threat to Melania
Creepy Touchy Feely Joe Biden
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