Topic: quote

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slaver Thomas Jefferson
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
Milton Friedman Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program quote
Andrew Jackson quote I weep for the liberty of my country
I do not mind if I have to sit on the floor at school all I want is educatio and I am afraid of no one Malala Yousafzai
Political Correctness is Tyranny with Manners Charlton Heston quote
Truth will ultimately prevail George Washington Quote
Socialist say Power to the People when what they mean is Power over People Margaret Thatcher quote
Never argue with stupid people Mark Twain Quote
On the eve of the civil war no Republcan owned slaves all were owned by Democrats Dinesh
Claire Wolfe quote America is at that awkward stage
Margaret Thatcher Quote A society where people are free not a society where the state is responsible for everything
What Phil Robertson Said - The rest of the story
Nancy Pelosis Problem is that her spine  does not seem to reach her brain - Liz Cheny Quote
Anti Gun Hysteria Exposed Vermont State Senator Mary Ann Carlson thinks gun owners are likely criminals
Obama in 07 - As President I will not stand for veterans waiting for benefits NOW - nevermid
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
Most people do not really want freedom Sigmund Freud quote
Truth is like a lion you do not have to defend it Turn it loose and it will defend itself St Augustine Quote
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself
Ben Carson quote We the people are not each others enemies
Antonin Scalia Practice of Constitutional Revision Robs the People of Liberty Quote
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
The More Corrupt the State The More Numerous The Laws Tacitus Quote
Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people Clint Eastwood
Freedom of speech means nothing to those who are weak in their convictions - Billy Graham
Look for 3 qualities integrity intelligence energy if someone lacks the first the other two will kill you Warren Buffet quote
Obama quote - do not be distracted by all of these phony scandals
Nancy Pelosi VS James Madison quotes about the size of laws and bills
When government takes away right to bear arms it is citizens duty to take away governments right to govern George Washington quote
Kevin Jackson quote on Starbucks hypocricy reguarding race relations
Is it too much to ask that the President affirm his devotion to the law - Trey Gowdy quote
A Government big enough Thomas Jefferson Quote - Case in point
Kennedy quote on enslavement plot made  7 days before his assasination
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