Topic: quote

Teddy Roosevelt quote on immigration
A Government big enough Thomas Jefferson Quote - Case in point
Sir Winston Churchill Quote Socialism is a philosophy of failure
Benjamin Franklin Quote About Helping the Poor
Kevin Jackson quote on Starbucks hypocricy reguarding race relations
Patrick Henry Quote - America was founded by Christians based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Obama quote - Constitution is an Imperfect Document Reflecting Deep Flaws in American Culture
If you become sheep the wolves will eat you Benjamin Franklin Quote
John Kerry Exercises his Right To Be Stupid Every Single Day
Hellen Keller Quote Believe when you are most unhappy so long as you can sweeten anothers pain
To Argue with a person who has renounced reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine quote
What do they mean by the battlefield is here Rand Paul quote
Look for 3 qualities integrity intelligence energy if someone lacks the first the other two will kill you Warren Buffet quote
A free people ought to be armed and disciplined and have enough ammunition George Washington Quote
Ayn Rand quote on Founding Fathers Description of the Right to Pusue Happiness
Claire Wolfe quote America is at that awkward stage
Who are you to judge the life I live Bob Marley Quote
Teddy Roosevelt had it right about Immigrants
Benjamin Franklins Creed About Worshipping One Creator
Political Correctness is Tyranny with Manners Charlton Heston quote
The More Corrupt the State The More Numerous The Laws Tacitus Quote
It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere Voltaire quote
Bullies how the lefts culture of fear and intimidation silences Americans Quote Ben Shapiro
We lend money to kids who can not pay it back to train for jobs that do not exist
Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Quote about Killing a family member
Obama inciting anger and divsion in quotes
Joe Walsh quote Bernie Sanders said Government has a moral responsibility
Never cut a tree down in the winter
The only way Putin is in any danger from Obama is blocking the door to a fundraiser Kimberly Gilfoyle quote
It does not take a majority to win but an irate tireless minority Samuel Adams quote
Truth will ultimately prevail George Washington Quote
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
Samuel Adams quote about Experienced Patriots
Thomas Sowell- Welfare Is the Oldest Con Game On Earth
The secrets of Freedom and Tyranny Maximillien Robespierre quote
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