Topic: quote

We lend money to kids who can not pay it back to train for jobs that do not exist
Where is the sanctuary for American citizens Dana Loesch quote
The two enemies of the people are criminals and government Thomas Jefferson Quote
Some Peoples Idea of Free Speech Winston Churchill Quote
Is it too much to ask that the President affirm his devotion to the law - Trey Gowdy quote
Tyranny is defined as what is legal for the government but not for the citizens Thomas Jefferson Quote
Margaret Thatcher Quote A society where people are free not a society where the state is responsible for everything
MLK Nothing more dangerous than ignorance and stupidity quote
Happy Thanksgiving quote
Obama  - Tear Down This Wall at the Border
The secret of Freedom lies in educating people Maximilien Robespierre Quote
Look for 3 qualities integrity intelligence energy if someone lacks the first the other two will kill you Warren Buffet quote
Anti Gun Hysteria Exposed Vermont State Senator Mary Ann Carlson thinks gun owners are likely criminals
John Wayne quote The communists in Hollywood were speaking their minds
Supreme Court Judge Scalia quote Our government is one of laws not of men
Benjamin Franklins Creed About Worshipping One Creator
Al Sharpton Quote about White Folks in caves and homos in Greece
Kevin Jackson quote on Starbucks hypocricy reguarding race relations
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