Topic: poverty

Benefits and Services for low income individuals 80+ programs at 1 Trillion year
Socialism -  if we can not all be rich let us be equally poor except for our rulers they still get to be rich
world wide poverty rates
Detroit Car Sticker
When Poverty Declines the Need for Socialist Government Declines
The TEA Party Tours - Take your Kids to see Top Liberal Cities
Benjamin Franklin Quote About Helping the Poor
The average American household is making six and a half percent less than in 2007
Stay Poor Vote Democrat - 97 of top 100 poorest cities are in blue states
Obamas Record After Five Years Employment Home Ownership Median Income Poverty Food Stamps Debt to GDP
Facts Five Years of Obama
Show me an American Ghetto and I will show you a Democrat Stronghold
Democrats run 10 out of 10 large cities with the highest poverty rates Liberal policies do not help the poor
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