Topic: obama

A Government big enough Thomas Jefferson Quote - Case in point
The Democrat Hierarchy
Bureau of Labor Statistics Black African American Labor Force Participation Rate
When Obama Sealed His Records - First Executive Order First Day On The Job - These Were Included - WHY
Iranian Moving Van - Must be time for the Obamas to GTFO of the White House
Obama Meets Chinese President Internet Security High On Agenda
Dont Tread On Me Sign Hung on WhiteHouse Fence
Illegal Aliens Relocation Map
Michell Obama Quote Young People Are Knuckleheads - That is why they voted for her husband
The Five Gitmo Bad Guys That Obama Traded for a Traitor
Obamas Commencement Speech Does NOT Impress West Point Grads
Obamas Record After Five Years Employment Home Ownership Median Income Poverty Food Stamps Debt to GDP
in a worldview far away from reality the farce continues
Obama as the Wicked Witch of the West Wing Gives Illegals Amnesty With His Magic Wand
Barack Obama sings Crimea River
Obamas Treatment of Vets VS Treatment of Illegal Aliens
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