Topic: liberals

corn maze for liberals
Teach a Man to Fish and he will Eat for Life Give HIm Someone Elses Fish and He Will Vote for You
Zombie Rights Activists
liberal logic guns
Liberals in 2015
Baltimore 50 years of Democrat Policies
Think education should be free and teachers should get paid more - you might be a liberal
George Soros Social Engineer of the destruction of America and huge donor to Democrats
Bullies how the lefts culture of fear and intimidation silences Americans Quote Ben Shapiro
Liberals Faulty Thinking Caused By Bleeding Hearts Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain
The core of liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats PJ ORourke quote
They Call Themselves Liberals
What horrible things do TEA partiers believe that frighten liberals so much
I dont waste time on liberals and their mumbo jumbo
When God was handing out brains - No thanks I am a liberal
Aw so cute Christie and Obama - nobody tells them anything
Attack of the Crybullies - Todays liberal snowflakes and social justice warriors
Liberals are just figuring out that obama has been lying? Let me show my shocked face
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