Topic: quote

Every time we see injustice and do not act we train our character to be passive Julian Assange quote
Democrats voted against making IRS targeting of Americans due to Politcal Views a Criminal Offense
Joe Walsh quote Bernie Sanders said Government has a moral responsibility
He who dares not offend cannot be honest Thomas Paine Quote
George Bernard Shaw quote about what a socialist is
How Compassion is Defined by Conservatives VS by Liberals Star Parker Quote
Political Correctness is Tyranny with Manners Charlton Heston quote
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not Kurt Cobain
A free people ought to be armed and disciplined and have enough ammunition George Washington Quote
Ayn Rand - The goal of liberals quote
The democracy will cease to exist Thomas Jefferson quote
Trey Gowdy quote May Justice be done even though the heavens fall
If socialists understood economics they would not be socialists Friedrich Von Hayek quote
Quote of the year - I am not here as a serf or vassal
When debate is lost Slander becomes the tool of the losers Socrates quote
Thomas Sowell Quote No Society Every Thrived Because It Had a Larg Growing Population of Parasites Living Off of Those Who Produce
Psalms 61 - 2
One child one teacher one pen and one book can change the world Malala Yousafzai
Harry Reid quote the cost of illegal aliens
Allen West Quote Why the outrage over NBA owner and not the lies and deceit of Obama
A nation can survive its fools and the ambitious but it cannot survive treason from within
Patrick Henry Quote on having arms for our own defense
There is a plot in this country to enslave every man woman and child JFK Quote
Benjamin Franklin VS Barack Obama on Liberty and Safety
In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness Robert Griffin quote
To be Governed Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Quote
The Greatest Priviledge is Living Under the US Constitution
Most people do not really want freedom Sigmund Freud quote
John Kerry Exercises his Right To Be Stupid Every Single Day
Obama inciting anger and divsion in quotes
Mohandas Gandhi Quotes About Truth
What do they mean by the battlefield is here Rand Paul quote
Most bad government has grown out of too much government Thomas Jefferson quote
They Call Themselves Liberals
You must try to get an educatio because it is very important If the new generation is not given pens they will be given guns by terrorists Malala Yousafzai
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