Topic: obama

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For every 1 job created under the Obama administration 75 people went on food stamps
Obama's Last Words During Cairo Speech Were "I am one of you"
How obama looked when he woke up this morning
The Dreams of an Abusive Drunken Socialist Who Died in Kenya Years Ago Have Now Become the American Dream
Do these asses make my truck look big
Federal Government Spending Under Clinton Bush and Obama
Hey Barack When Are You Going To Tell the Mid East to Stop Clinging to Their Guns & Religion?
Why Obama Has No Concerns About Being Prosecuted Over His Scandals
End of an error Jan 20 2017 NOBAma
Dont Tread On Me Sign Hung on WhiteHouse Fence
Obamas Treatment of Vets VS Treatment of Illegal Aliens
Iran Nuclear Deal Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it Remember North Korea
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
The Obamas are packing it out of the White House PRAISE GOD
Obama does not have a strategy but he does have a tee time
Obama gives himself a medal
Obamas There is no God except Allah Ring
Obama kicking the tires of socialism in Cuba - he will buy it
Deficits Under USA Presidents
obama understands we are under threat of nuclear war but he has not had a vaction in over two weeks poor baby
those three little words obamas been arrested
The Good Things Obama Has Done For America
There are no legacies for presidents that attract flies
The headlines you wish you would see in 2016
Obama instructed the forest service to plant magic trees that grow free stuff
Andele Obamanistas Catch and Release Immigration Policy
The Democrat Hierarchy
Dixon Diaz rants to obama about state of black people under his presidency
Obama quote - Constitution is an Imperfect Document Reflecting Deep Flaws in American Culture
Wikileaks association with Pizza Dogs to Obama spending 65000 tax dollars to fly them in
The Moment You Realize that an Ex KGB Tyrant has Stymied an Ex Peace Prize Winners Attempt at War
that was the last time i let my cat listen to an obama speech
Emperor Obama and the Court Jester Biden
Obama Speech Pie Chart
The Five Gitmo Bad Guys That Obama Traded for a Traitor
Inapproriate behavior for the so called President of the United States
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