Topic: military

Remember the military at Christmas
instead of cutting military funds congress should cut obama vacation funds
Military Spending by Country
Ben Carson Quote Lets say someone in the white house wanted to destroy this nation
CHRISTMAS WREATHS in military cemetary - They fought and died for FREEDOM - NOT - COMMUNISM
Military Men Hold Signs Refusing To Fight For Al Qeada in Syria
Remembering those who lost their lives in service on Memorial Day
illegals stay in military facilities while vets are outside with no shelter or food
Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day
America had roads schools colleges railroads and a miliatry before it had an income tax
Give thanks for those who can not be home for the holidays
Liberals are so stupid about guns
Obama - Take a good hard look
Vets before illegals
Democrats want you to believe in American ACCEPTualism
Feinstein Quits Committee After Word About Her Husbands Profit Gets Out
Photo Of American Forces on Horses with Bayonettes that Obama Says Does Not Exist
How to recognize which branch of service in the military according to uniform
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