Topic: michelle obama

Michelle vs Melania Change is coming
Michele Obama - Kinda like Jake from state farm
Michell Obama Quote Young People Are Knuckleheads - That is why they voted for her husband
Have you ever seen a cow walking a RINO
Happy Fathers Day Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama was only proud of her country starting in 08
Michelle Obama
Michelle cranks down on potatoes and says let them eat peas lol beeeeeyotch
Moo looking Good
Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton crowd shot at Trump inauguration
Mooch enjoy your taxpayer funded vacation forget that veterans got their benifits cut
Which guy looks better as a woman mooch or Bruce
Mooch Obama Quote I will spend your money on my vacations
I can't wait to spend 4 more years paying for Michelle Obama's Lavish Spending Habits!
Isn't it Ironic What Michell Obama Gave an Award For?
Michelle Obama Waves Red Communist Flag - Anyone Ever See Her Wave an American Flag
Can anyone explain this picture of Michelle Obama
Obama said he wanted to talk to Putin man to man - Putin replied put Michelle on the phone
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