
Pearl Harbor Veterans Salute
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not Kurt Cobain
Funny answers to a test
Trees voting for axe
Zerna Sharp
Collective Responsibility is a Fascist Concept
Fire Hypocrite Melissa Click - Mizzou Media Communications Professor Can Not Handle Media Wanting to Communicate
Narcissism in the 21st Century
Trip causes hard feelings
Pixars 22 rules of storytelling
Clothes Committee
Every Known Piece of Space Debris Orbiting the Earth
Simple grammar rules for dumbed down Americans
Look familiar - Nazis taking over the education system and owning the children
Norman Borlog Scientist
Todays doctors lawyers universities governments press religion banks
Robin Hood robbed from the government and gave back from the tax victims
John Adams quote about useless men
Comet C/2012 S1 ISON picture
History You Didn't Learn In School - White Slavery
Golden shower or fire power?
Freddy Grays Arrest Record
Common Bore
When debate is lost Slander becomes the tool of the losers Socrates quote
Democracy vs Republic
Hedy Lamar - iconic actress - mathematician - inventor of freqency hopping spread spectrum
One Night Cough Syrup
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine Quote
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