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What to do when the test doesnt offer the correct answer
Last Known Photograph of David Bowie on his birthday 2016 days before his death
Southern Traditions to Keep Alive
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not Kurt Cobain
Hat Riddle
First Woman to Win Fields Medal for Mathematics Maryam Mirzakhani
Crazy people in history
Robin Hood robbed from the government and gave back from the tax victims
Red Herring Argument
Einstein riding bike down range from nuclear bomb test
Funny answers to a test
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The Ten Commandments of Ratioinal Debate
tupperware salt and pepper set
Freddy Grays Arrest Record
Hedy Lamar - iconic actress - mathematician - inventor of freqency hopping spread spectrum
1932 Men Clean the Eagle on top of the Chrysler Building NY
US Route 50
A Good One
I read old books because I would rather learn from those who built up civilization rather than from those who tore it down
Beware the Useful Idiots That Follow Saul Alinsky
Every Known Piece of Space Debris Orbiting the Earth
Would you rather see this or a no gun zone sign in front of your childs school
Norman Borlog Scientist
Einstein Quote When technology surpasses human interaction the world will have a generation of idiots
The Human Spectrum
Student Loan Debt Far Exceeds American Credit Card Debt
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