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A Scared Ferguson Citizen Speaks – We Are The Spear Point Of A Revolution Aimed At Toppling Our Republic

Following is the portion of the article that is includes the prayer request of a 20 year resident of Ferguson.

 My wife and I have been pursuing a legitimate course of action that is both stealthy, required because of the violent nature of these protesters, and effective. We are both strong, believing Christians and have seen the power of prayer exhibited many times in our life. We have observed that there is a powerful supernatural, spiritual aspect to the conflict in Ferguson that has been completely unreported by the media – Surprise, surprise. The actions of many of the leaders of these protests indicate that they are demonically controlled and we have seen our prayers against “princes and powers in high places” immediately and dramatically answered.

We have emailed several well-connected friends and asked them to utilize prayer warfare for Ferguson. The word is spreading in some areas, but FreeRepublic is huge and can get more support than any other arena. The initial need is for prayer warriors who can intercede for the safety of the citizens and police officers, and for confusion and discord among the protestors/agitators. As this initial prayer covering is laid out, we are waiting for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for the next step, trusting that God’s direction and timing will be perfect.

I hope you will read the entire article describing their views attached below->


A good article that I think explains exactly where the real battle lies.

Well Ferguson, you need prayers.  Prayers that Ferguson drops the victim mentality and takes responsibility for untoward actions. 

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