Houseplant Appreciation Day ~ January 10, 2014
2 Attending

2013-12-19 Time
Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 pm - 11:45 pm
United States
Created By


The holidays are over. The decorations have been put away for another year. The house looks a little plain, a little drab. In the greyishness of January, your eye catches something in the corner of the room. Why, it's a houseplant! Funny, but with all of the holiday hubabuloo, you've all but forgotten your houseplants.

Today is THE day to get back to tending to, and loving your houseplants. And, it's also a day to appreciate just how special and important they are. They are therapeutic, lifting your mood and outlook. They add warmth and a calming effect. If you are a gardner, they give you an opportunity to play in the dirt, until spring arrives in the far, distant future.

Growing houseplants is pretty easy. They need a little sunlight, water, occasional nutrients, and a little love..

More on growing houseplants


How to Celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day:

There are lots of ways to celebrate and enjoy this day. They include:

  • Start by making sure that the houseplants you already have, are well watered. Give them a special treat today... a little fertilizer.

  • If you do not have any houseplants, or just have a couple, buy a new houseplant (or two) on this day).

  • Learn more about the benefits of houseplants to your health.

  • Stand by your houseplant and breath in the air! It's giving off oxygen.

  • Teach your kids about growing and caring for plants.

  • Give a houseplant to a friend, especially the elderly or shut-ins.

  • Talk to your plants. Yes, people believe plants respond positively, when you talk to them.


This holiday was created by the folks at The Gardener's Network

It was created for two reasons:

  • To remind people after the holidays, that their forgotten houseplants need a little attention.
  • To celebrate beneficial houseplants and to encourage growing houseplants.
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