Hug Your Cat Day :) June 4th
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2013-06-04 Time
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:01 am
United States
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Cat lovers can really get into this day. If you're a cat lover, you can really appreciate the warm, cozy feeling you get when you curl up on a couch or chair, and hug your cat. The only problem is, your cat will most likely only allow a brief hug before sauntering away. If your cat is a true hugger, count your blessings.

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I wish!!! We have three cats, one from my son and she's about 19 I think. The other two were adopted from the pound. We love them immensely but from their point of view, it's "LOOK but don't TOUCH!...
Mark Bailey
I have no idea why stray cats invite themselves to my house. Five since moving here eight years ago, none ever before. Don't they know I'm a dog person!
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