Topic: victims

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Dale Barnes

What's next? These left wing morons in DC have endless stupid ideas and this one is up there near the top of the stupidest of the stupidest of them. The article says, "House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) has introduced...
Safari Woman

Clarice Feldman at American Thinker thinks so and I have to agree.  She says: Pretending to be something one is not for social and other advantage is fairly common. We have now, for example, a president who duped the elite op...
Safari Woman

Please especially see - How To Help The Victims Article. Compared to yesterday's news, I have to wonder, is the truth coming out, being buried or both because details that are being called facts have shifted considerable in t...
Safari Woman

Chicago’s first-quarter murder total this year hit its lowest number since 1958, police say. The first three months of the year saw 6 fewer murders than the same time frame in 2013–a 9 percent drop–and 55 fewer murders than ...
Safari Woman

Favoring a terrorist over American Military victims by this President is OUTRAGEOUS! That the shooter and what occurred was written off as work place violence by Barack Obama, Muslim sympathizer and armer of Terrorist Rebels,...
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