Topic: spying

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9/26/2015 I became aware of these videos tonight when John Stossel highlighted them on his show. These are great! They portray big gov as a controlling boyfriend acting out all of the entrapments we see in the way big governm...
Wanda Hope Carter

Members of TeamNetworks.Net have brought things to my attention or written to ask what I think is going on over at SodaHead now that they have shut down the site to member participation other than the voting on their polls a...
Safari Woman is online.

I'm so glad that light is shining on this topic. Let it destroy every liar's hiding place. Excerpts: Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper wasn’t lying when he wrongly told Congress in 2013 that the government does n...
Safari Woman is online.

Thousands of Americans became targets for government spying through “backdoor” warrantless electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies last year according to a letter from the Offic...
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