Topic: obama

Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS:  The U.S. Department of Justice has confirmed that a .50-caliber rifle found at the hideout of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera was connected to the failed “gun-walking” operation known as Operation Fast...
Safari Woman is online.

Obama complained, “All of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict.” This inspiration to carry on couldn't have come at ...
Safari Woman is online.

Hopefully everyone commenting gets a notice to this, UPDATE - As usual, the one time I don't check meticulously before commenting, I find I am WRONG to draw the conclusion that I did. And I'm a stickler for that! Sure it was ...
Safari Woman is online.

Rush recently called it "the elephant in the room." In recent news while wasting time on why THEY can't understand how and why the Boston terrorists became so call "radicalized" the left wing propaganda machine media on the o...
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