Topic: Journalists

Safari Woman

The number of out and out lies Obama has uttered are so numerous that they have passed the point of being able to count them. With the Obamacare Scandal, on top of the NSA and Spying Scandal, On Top of the Journalists Scandal...
Safari Woman

Unfortunately, censorship has become the unofficial rule and position of the federal government.  A US Congressman was denied access to a facility housing illegal immigrants in his own district.  Doctors and nurses treating t...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson thinks the media “should all be embarrassed” for not holding the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department accountable for their lack of transparency in the Fas...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: It has long been the Obama Administration’s stated position that no acts of international terrorism have taken place on U.S. soil during his watch. Yet as reported by the New York Post and also by the right-of-cent...
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