Topic: investigation

Safari Woman

7/11/16 #TruthMatters After the stories about the deaths of Sterling and Castile broke, there has been lesser reported information to come out about the deceased for example: Sterling had previous convictions, was a registere...
Walter D.

I was suprised to come across this on Yahoo News. It seems the Director of National Intelligence has been in "frequent and unusual" contact with the the head of US Central Command’s intelligence wing, Army Major General Steve...
Safari Woman

And THIS, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how we are two stepped into tyranny! Party loyalty among We the People, is blinding not binding! Excerpts: One of the reasons Republicans like Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania won’t come f...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Special Agent Taylor Johnson — who had a storied career until she irked Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid by objecting to a visa program for foreign investors tied to the senator’s son — says she declined to take a ...
Safari Woman

Obama is a fraud, says Police Chief  Mark Kessler of Gilberton PA. The American People have been duped, he says. The following great videos are from his blog talk show. Listen UP America, Chief Kessler has a message of truth....
Safari Woman

Okay, one computer crash in one location could possibly be legitimate. Two computers crashing at the same or different locations is already smelling fishy. But three, no four, no five, no six , - NO - SEVEN in TWO LOCATIONS?...
Safari Woman

LET THERE BE LIGHT! Excerpts: "I do not find it a coincidence that Eric Holder chose now to resign after Judge Bates denied the request from the DOJ to delay the release of the Fast and Furious documents. I personally think E...
Safari Woman

Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI reveal passengers could be at a secret location Police investigate data from home ...
Safari Woman

From my experience, I see no reason not to believe this is true. Ron Gula is CEO and chief technical officer of Tenable Network Security, an information technology services company nestled in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., ...
Safari Woman

When people were talking about impeachment for Benghazi and mentioning this horrific tragedy in the same breath as Watergate, I couldn't relate wiretapping to terrorism, and felt the reference for impeachment was distorted. B...
Safari Woman

This impreses me and moves me so deeply that I have to share these words from Becky Gerritson, which I applaud and agree with her position 100%. "I am not here today as a serf or a vassal. I am not begging my lords for mercy....
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