Topic: gun control

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Safari Woman

After repeatedly referring to the shooter as "a white guy" throughout the press reports on TV, on line and in print, the lamestream propaganda machine must have been pretty disappointed that they had to stop looking at TEA pa...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: A veteran and constitutional attorney who is suing the Veterans Administration for threatening to deprive some returning troops of their 2nd Amendment rights after classifying them as mentally incompetent is warnin...
Safari Woman

This article from Conservative News and Views presents evidence supporting their theory that he is and offers details on the following exhibits of evidence: Coup d’état, Exhibit A: The Newtown Incident Coup Exhibit B: Gun Con...
Safari Woman

Following is the first hand account of one woman's story relating how her ideas about guns evolved during the Boston manhunt for the terrorist. YES! YES! YES! Thank God! The consequences of this attack is working against the...
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