Topic: gun control

Joseph Ryan

What is Wrong with Florida SPB 7022, The Gun Confication and Banning Bill I am a parent of two daughters in a Florida High School. Like many, I was deeply saddened by the tragedy at Parkland. I was also frightened that those...
Safari Woman

This article from Conservative News and Views presents evidence supporting their theory that he is and offers details on the following exhibits of evidence: Coup d’état, Exhibit A: The Newtown Incident Coup Exhibit B: Gun Con...
Safari Woman

FINALLY a group standing up and saying NO THANKS, we don't want to be the prop in your propaganda speech! Way to go Denver Cops!!!!   Excerpts: Some current and former Denver police officers have taken to Facebook to criticiz...
Safari Woman

After repeatedly referring to the shooter as "a white guy" throughout the press reports on TV, on line and in print, the lamestream propaganda machine must have been pretty disappointed that they had to stop looking at TEA pa...
Safari Woman

Eric Holder: "I think that one of the things that we learned when we were trying to get passed those common sense reforms last year, Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and we talked abo...
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