Topic: globalism

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Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: The key concepts of transnational progressivism are: Groups are what matter, not people. You are "Black" or "Christian" or "Mexican" or "Afghan" or "Sunni", you are not yourself. You also don't get to choose your gr...
Safari Woman

Amazing find as reported by the Daily Sheeple: The old Declaration of Independence has been effectively thrown out. A new plan for world order is underway.In 1975, as the United States of America approached 200 years as a nat...
Safari Woman

500 BILLION! American please don't buy this line of BS! How much more can you afford to pay in taxes and how much more can this nation owe without cracking? JUST SAY NO! Excerpts: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cal...
Wanda Hope Carter

        I grew up on a large cotton farm surrounded by nature where tending to the life of the earth and animals was our daily business. My father, who seemed to have an interest in just about everything from a scientific per...
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