Topic: free speech

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Safari Woman

Obama complained, “All of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict.” This inspiration to carry on couldn't have come at ...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: 43 Democrats in the Senate have signed onto a bill to effectively repeal the First Amendment. This month a cloture motion was introduced in order to stop debate and move the bill forward. S.J.Res.19 would effectivel...
Redneck Angel Warrior

                                                                         “I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”   ~ Thomas Jefferson ~ The Trial of Ezra Levant “I’m fighting for my own freedom this week. But it’s...
Safari Woman

Wowz. I think it is worth the time to read the whole article to better discover the intimidation by Obama and evidence of Federal control over the media. Here are a few excerpts to  start with -> “Phone calls from the White H...
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