Topic: Constitution

Safari Woman

The next time you hear someone call America a Democracy or toot the Socialism Horn send them this! This site simply identifies and defines economic and societal (political) systems. A Small Sample of the type of Information Y...
Safari Woman

Eric Holder: "I think that one of the things that we learned when we were trying to get passed those common sense reforms last year, Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and we talked abo...
Safari Woman

In a blow to the constitutional rights of citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Heien v. State of North Carolina that police officers are permitted to violate American citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights if the violatio...
Safari Woman

Dear Republican Party, I am already disgusted beyond words that not one of you have stood up against the obvious problems relating to the qualifications of Barack Obama to run for or serve as our President. We know too well a...
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