I watched the "State Of The Union" last night and was floored by former Vice-President Biden's plan to cure inflation. Biden said to American companies to just "lower your costs." To me, this seemed like Biden's "let them eat cake" moment.

However, being a loyal citizen, I went out today and tried to put Biden's plan into effect. I went into Wal-Mart and when I got to the register, I said I was implementing Biden's inflation cure and lowered my costs by 50% of the retail price. Chaos ensued.

I tried again to implement Biden's inflation plan at the gas station and the attendant called the cops. It seems no one cares about inflation and much as lunch-bucket Joe and me.

Joe Biden's plan is brilliant and the most original plan for economic security ever invented. If companies just lowered their costs, inflation would be a dim memory. If only economists and business owners had thought of it before we would never had any economic problems.

Biden suggested that lowering cost for businesses was just a matter of just doing it and it will be done. Although it is hard to imagine that lower cost will be so easy when Biden also proposed raising the corporate income tax the 50%, doubling the minimum wage, lengthy family leave requirements, shutting down American energy production, and a host of other burdens on a American businesses.

All this time everyone thought that inflation was a result of too much (phony) fiat paper money chasing too few products. Something that happens when the government spends trillions of dollars that are digitized into existence by some central bank. That kind of inflations hurts everyone except the cronies and politicians that get the free money handed to them first

What amazes me is that someone actually wrote that stupid idea into Biden's speech. I heard someone on NPR radio say that "lower your costs' was a brilliant plan. I am not surprised that our taxpayer funded, state run media organ, the so-called "public broadcasting system", touts Biden's plan as if it actually made sense. Pravda has nothing on NPR and PBS.

So next time any government proposes raising taxes you just tell them to lower their cost or they are pro-inflation and un-American and a racist for not following Biden's plan.


Politicians know NOTHING about running a business.
  • March 3, 2022
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Safari Woman is online.
ooooh good one!!! ty
  • March 4, 2022
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