By aka SafariWoman February 21, 2018 

A few days ago the news was in a red hot cycle. Russia investigation revelations came out around the GOP memo, we learned about FBI lovers and their collusion against Trump, how the Hillary Camp was involved in the Steele dossier and a multitude of other extraordinary facts were exploding in the media.

Democrats needed a distraction fast!

Enter from stage left - the Obama portraits.

I thought they were a joke, and that perhaps a young inexperienced meme artist had come up with very bad ideas of what the Obama portraits should look like. I don't think I was the only one to be surprised to discover, nope, these absurdities were real!

At first it was laughable to consider the poorly executed, outlandish, ridiculousness of either of the Obama portraits. Then came the hidden messages articles where we learned, for example, the artist is admittedly "into the whole kill whitey thing" and previously painted images of black women holding the decapitated heads of young white women.



How much more of a flip of a bird right into the face of every white citizen of the nation could you ask for? Not that his racist personality and that of his wife's were ever hidden to start with.  

Very clever and often humorous Memes were the only good thing to come out of the portrait story, at least for a couple of days until our nation was struck with a disaster in Florida. I had collected several that got my attention but  I didn't feel it was appropriate to focus on such a comparatively frivilous topic when our nation was grieving for the loss of 17 innocent souls.

But now that a little time has passed, I think recording these images here is worthwhile for the sake of the future. The insulting hidden messaging along with the jokes made of the absurdity of the portraits themselves should go down in history to help explain the insulting joke of a President the Democrats gave us. 


Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama was the primary target of the meme makers. 

Following are articles on the hidden meanings within the portraits, er, or maybe not so hidden.

Linda Mihalic
So good to see such a wonderful, life-like collection!
  • February 21, 2018
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Marge Pauls
My bro sent me a Catanese statuette of the Presidential Pooper--it's up for grabs...
  • February 22, 2018
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Safari Woman
  • February 22, 2018
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