How Will the World, America Look in 2050?

Suburbs will be like big cities


The America in 2050 will look very different than the America we know today, according to a recent report issued by the U.S. Census Bureau.


We would all like to know what the future holds and the new report issue by the Census Bureau gives us a glimpse into what our Earth may look like 40 years from now.

(This looks terrible and like a totalitarian/Communist country. I hope this is not the future.)












Wanda Hope Carter
I worked in Miami in the late 70s. I just spent a month there and saw the results of the continuous development first hand. Areas that are far outside the city, which w were just opening up then. Are already grown to have many high rises and a bustling city center of their own. Agenda 21 and Agenda ...
  • November 11, 2017
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