Twitchy has documented the left wing lies already so successfully perpetuated that people have adopted them as facts. You can read examples of tweets that are based on lies vs the facts of this matter at the link below.

The facts as related to this incident and the myths being reported are as follows:

Fact: Rodger stabbed to death half of his six murder victims.

Fact: Rodger was an ultra-misogynist, but he also detested men, including his roommates and even his younger brother. Four of the six people he killed were male:

Fact: Rodger subscribed to The Young Turks, a liberal YouTube channel. Imagine the outcry from the Left if Rodger had been a fan of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck.

Fact: Rodger was half white, half Chinese descent.



Walter D.
He was being treated for psychological and psychiatric problems. The question bears asking, was he on anti-depressants.
  • May 25, 2014
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Safari Woman
If he was being treated then I'd bet he was.
  • May 26, 2014
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Carl Spencer
You don't have to ask, you know he was. There isn't a head doctor out there who won't do back flips in order to write a patient a prescription.
  • May 26, 2014
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Carl Spencer
Trying to pin this on conservatism is pathetic!
  • May 26, 2014
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The kid killed three males with a KNIFE before he used the gun. Yet the father would have us believe that if the kid couldn't have gotten his hands on a gun, he would be a completely normal dude and this would never have happened.
The father makes a living off of nude asses and promoting killing (...
  • May 26, 2014
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