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I've never thought about this aspect of the left before even though I have certainly been the target of their hate more times than I can count and even though I have noticed how they always seem to be on the attack. Now, for the first time, I understand why. I'm posting a few excerpts below but I highly recommend that you read the whole article. It not only paints the portrait of the left's dependence on hate with precise accuracy but it also contains the examples and explanations that put it into persepective.

From the article:

The left finally has its Un-American tyranny. So why is it so angry?

Watch MSNBC or browse any left-wing site and you see a level of anger that would make you think that Al Gore had just conceded or Nixon had just won reelection. There's more anger in the privileged circles of the left than in the political rearguard of the Tea Party.

That anger trickles from the top down. Obama's interview with Bill O'Reilly was yet another opportunity for the most powerful man in the country to blame a vast right wing conspiracy. A day doesn't pass without another email from Obama, his wife, Sandra Fluke or Joe Biden warning that without another five or ten dollar contribution, the "right" will take over America.

The left has unchallenged control over the government, academia and the entertainment industry and yet it talks as if the country is 5 seconds away from Sarah Palin marching into Washington D.C. at the head of an army of Duck Dynasty fans to outlaw abortion.

On the internet, manufactured outrage has become the only progressive stock in trade. Did Jerry Seinfeld say that he values humor over racial quotas? He's a racist. Did an ESPN magazine out a compulsive liar who also happened to be pretending to be a woman? Lock him up. Did Mike Huckabee say something that could be misinterpreted with enough ellipses and out of context “Twitterized” quotes? Before you know it, he's a sexist pig.

Pageviews are the obvious profit motive behind all this and yet it says something deeply disturbing about a progressive readership that eats up hate and doesn't react to anything positive. The rash of fake hate crimes feeds into that same perverse need for an enemy to hate and fight. The left used to pretend that it wanted to do something positive. But now that it has the power, it can't stop searching for someone to hate instead.

The left is more comfortable being angry than being anything else; it finds it easier to rally the troops against something than for something so that even its triumphs only lead to more anger. The MSNBC tweet about an interracial Cheerios commercial was revealing of a deeper problem within the left. It was assumed that the MSNBC audience wouldn't care about an interracial ad unless it could somehow pretend to “spite” the right by watching it.

Hate is the force that gives the left meaning. It isn't hope that animates its leaders and thinkers, but the darker side of human nature that calls on them to destroy and to kill. That dark side is why the left's victories end in tragedies, why the red flags are painted with blood and when its followers have run out of enemies to kill, they turn on each other and destroy their own movements with firing squads, gulags and guillotines. 

The left finds its identity not in its utopian visions, but in the things and people it wishes to destroy. Only by knowing what they hate, do its followers know who they are.




William Davis Hall
Yes, this nails it. I've never seen a group of people so uniformly hateful as they are.
  • March 22, 2014
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