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I'm watching an older Turner Network documentary about the Oscars. They just covered when the Academy and film industry joined in the search for and condemnation of communists in the fifties. In one scene, an academy spokesperson stated communism was against everything that America stands for. How did the industry go from commie hunters and shunners to being the right arm of communist propaganda throughout the industry?

Once they were welcomed back in, we see the communist influence has grown to a magnitude that the Academy Head speaking that day, could have never imagined as ever possible I'm sure. Too bad the film industry lost most of it's ethics and morality long ago. We are left with formula movies that are predictable in characters, agenda and endings making the old films so much more valuable and entertaining to watch than ever.

(OMG now they are showing an Oscar clip of Mr Left-wing Commie Blubber himself, Michael Moore, shaming Bush for a war during his stage time. Where is he now with his condemnations? We have him to thank in part for Obamacare due to his propaganda film about socialized medicine in Cuba. Can he retire quietly in his kitchen surrounded by extra large pizzas now PLEASE!?)

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