I've had to wait until I wasn't  tongue tied from outrage anymore to express myself about the recent race baiting & white hating comment by Oprah Winfrey. (From now on, aka Orca Whalefrey in my book.)  The article below is the one that brought her comments about old white people in the south needing to die to my attention.

..."there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die." Oprah Winfrey Quote on racism.

I am insulted by this completely. How dare she with her broad influence so casually make a comment that reflects on every citizen over forty in the south who isn't of a darker skin tone? Just who is acting like the racist now Orca? YOU ARE. And if you can't recognize Al Sharpton for what he is, a pawn of the power that depends on socially engineering racism for division and their own power, then you are blind as a bat.

Al Race-baiting Sharpton is a story for another day. His tampering with racial unrest for political points is legendary, but I'll skip over it here now because my focus is on Oprah, excuse me, I mean Orca.


Let me tell you a little bit about this old white woman from the south. I grew up with complete respect for black people because my Christian upbringing taught me that God loves us all the same and so we should love each other, All people should be held to the same standards just as they are in God's eyes. Good is good and bad is bad regardless of skin color. No one should be judged by that alone and no one should be treated differently for that alone or for any other reason not related to their personal behavior, such as, oh, you know, like for being a mature white person who grew up in the south. My life witnesses for itself.

This recent episode of you coming out as what you really are isn't that surprising after watching you all but drool over Barack Obama, the un-vetted, inexperienced, Marxist State Senator who rose to fame strictly because he was black and the Democrat and Communist factions bankrolled him and wielded the leftist media in his favor. You used what was your mega influence at that time to help propel this man who has proven to be nothing but destructive to this nation into the power that he has today and you did it for one reason only, because of the color of his skin.


I am so very glad to have seen through him and you at that time and to have started my boycott of anything related to you as well. It was so gratifying to see your ratings decline until your show was finally gone. We hear OWN network isn't fairing so well either. Bank on this orca, it will now do even worse.

I would have thought that a woman with your experience would realize by now that the south is just the opposite of what you claim it is. Like me, most of us have grown up around people of a different color all of our life and our relationships don't exclude each other. Except for the KKK types, who were started by a bunch of renegade Democrats btw, the majority of us get along just fine with each other. And if it weren't for the likes of the visible tampering of Al Race-baiting Sharpton, and Jessie Race-baiting Jackson, both who give the word Reverend a bad name, we would likely have progressed to a far more peaceful nation by now. But no, at every turn they deftly reach out to divide rather than heal.

You see orca, what you've missed is that those of us in the south who stood beside blacks fighting for their civil rights, like I did when I was just thirteen sneaking out of my house to go participate in marches, respected and learned from the man who made the greatest impact on the improvement in the conditions of those times, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Mr King's dream was that someday all people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. And when people aren't afraid to speak out for or against someone because of the content of their character, then MLK's dream is fulfilled. This is EXACTLY what we are seeing in play here whether it serves you to admit the truth or not is of no consequence and it doesn't change the reality of it. 


I felt no need to make up for any guilt or prove that I was cool enough to vote for someone who wasn't white. I've spent a lifetime already proving who I am with my every action and word. I chose not to support him for reasons that I could write a book about that included his inexperience, Marxist background, his troublesome past records of which we know little of since he sealed them on his first day of office, the way he voted present so often, and the people he was known to associate with in the Chicago Democrat political circle, some of which are in prison as I write this. The biggest thing on my list was his Marxist tendencies. When I heard share the wealth that was enough.

The list is long. Not on the list was his skin color. And it is not on the list now when his record of supporting his big bank cronies, and the many scandals like, fast and furious, Project Gunrunner, Abandoning the men in Benghazi and then blaming it on a you tube video, spying on Citizens, intimidating and spying on Journalists, using the IRS to repress freedom of speech and those whom he considers his enemies,and .......... omg I just realized that I"ve only begun with this list and I haven't even touched the economy, job statistics, property values, the obamacare lies and nightmare, the record number of people on welfare and countless other issues that make me against obama and every thing he stands for.

GET IT YET? It isn't the color of his skin.

For the same reasons that I can respect people like MLK, I can disrespect YOU and obama, because you are people subject to the same kind of examination for the content of their character as anyone else is. I wouldn't rest while racists were holding people back in the sixties and I won't rest now while they try to divide this country and its people with their sick tactics. I will continue to express my opinions without fear of how it might make me look to those mind controlled by the Marxist tactic of political correctness. PC serves only to stifle free speech and free thought. My life, my words, my actions speak for themselves and so do yours and obamas. Now live with it. I can live with mine. Actions have consequences and no one should ever turn a blind eye to the end results that a person causes whether good or bad because of their age, location of their childhood and yes, even because of their color. 

Watch for the waves of public reaction orca. You might get beached and then washed out to sea away from the country that supported you, including many mature white adult ex fans from the south, never to return to its good grace.

I say this often.....Celebrities earn their incomes from us(Americans). I don't watch Oprah but if I did, I would stop right now! I'm tired of lining the pockets and bank accounts of people who are going to use my money against me.
  • November 20, 2013
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Sitara Singley
This is not to you: if I hear one more thing about race, Ima go ape****.
  • November 22, 2013
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Walter D.
For this he gave her a freedom medal.
  • November 27, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Freedom to be as commie/socialist as you like.
  • November 27, 2013
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