We can thank Chuck Woolery for this exceptional information revealing that AARP responded to political bribes rather than members' wishes in order to support Obamacare and now it tries to distance itself from Obama because as they stated, they are more influential when seen as independent. I was one of the many who quit my membership when it became obvious that AARP were supporters of the largest tax in American history aka Obamacare. Bill Nelson turned coat and relented to the pressures as well. Let us not forget the parts they played regardless of what AARP or Bill Nelson's  "game faces" are. AARP does not deserve our business and Bill Nelson does not deserve our vote. 

Thereare alternatives for both. Instead of using AARP you can check out AMAC, or ASA. Instead of Voting for Bill (traitor) Nelson you can vote for Connie Mack!

A most telling excerpt from the Chuck Woolery article below:

"November 2009 email from AARP to the White House advises keeping “a little space between us and the White House” as AARP polling “shows we are more influential when we are seen as independent.”

It appears the White House was happy to narrow that space when it helped politically. In a December 2009 letter from Messina to LeaMond, he writes:

We need [AARP CEO] Barry Rand to go meet with [Florida Senator] Bill Nelson personally and just lay it on the line. We will be with you, we will protect you. But if you kill this bill, seniors will not forget.

We are at 59 [Senate votes], we have to have him.

Nelson eventually voted to pass Obamacare despite having earlier criticized the associated cuts to Medicare as “unconscionable” and a “non-starter.”"


Cassie Simpson
I also dropped my AARP membership. Thanks for the tip about AMAC. I have a friend who joined it and they are happy with it. I'll give it a look. BTW Chuck Woolery??? Really??? lol
  • October 28, 2012
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