When I read this article about the derailment of MLK Jr's Dream by Allen West, I was shaking my head up and down the entire time. Yes, that is it. Liberalism represents and delivers every thing MLK Jr didn't want for the blacks of this country. If he could see the first black president, I believe he would be disappointed in how he is a tool for the same group that works hard at keeping inner city blacks especially beholding to the government. 

I grew up with a picture of MLK Jr on our living room wall. My father was a minister who was greatly inspired by King. We lived in a decent neighborhood and my mother, who was a school teacher didn't let her students get away with not doing their best work. She pushed her classes which were all black kids, to do more than was called for. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones to have good parents and a strong Christian upbringing where education was important.

It was hard and is still hard not to fall victim of a government that wants to pay you to do nothing when I first struck out on my own. I worked for a lawn company for ten years before I saved enough money to start my own business.

People would say to me, Will why are you working for "the man" when you could be taking it easy and letting the man pay for you? You don't owe them anything. 

I would say, I don't owe anyone anything and they don't owe me anything. I only owe to God to do what is right as a man and for my family. They would laugh at me. They still laugh at me now that I am divorced and struggling to pay for my daughter to have a good life where she is while keeping myself barely going in this bad neighborhood where I fear her visits will expose her to things I'd rather that she didn't have to see. A guy who lives down the street came up to me when I got home the other night and said, why do you work so hard for this when you don't have to. Most of the people on my street are living off the government. I tried to explain it to him but he didn't want to hear it. 

I know King was not a perfect man. None of us are. When I was a kid I often heard that he was a communist but I don't believe it. He worked for every thing opposite of what the communists, and now the progressives want for black people and people of any color. I believe it is possible that the communists wanted to use him just like they are using President Obama.

I don't want a meager sum to exist on handed out to me for doing nothing, or a cell phone or food stamps. I only want what any decent man wants out of life, to be able to hold my head up knowing that I am standing on my own two feet. 

Most black inner city communities are infected with  a contagious disease called liberalism and it was shot in their arm by primarily the Democrats. When one sees how easy it is just to slide through life it is hard to think of doing anything else that requires work and risk.

They kill their babies by the millions before they are born, they don't respect the responsibilities of parenting and if they have children it seems like a consequence rather than a plan in their life. It is this kind of thinking that we heard when President Obama said he wouldn't want his daughter punished with an unwanted child. They idolize the lowest form of art in degrading street songs RAP style, while alcoholism, drug abuse and addiction are rampant. This is not the Dream of MLK Jr and it is not my dream either. I pray to God to help me keep my daughter from falling into the pits of it when she leaves to go out on her own. That won't be too long from now. 

I think that we see successful black people in all walks of life is a tribute to Dr King's dream but for the inner city communities, people are suffering and they don't realize there can be another way or they are so demotivated they can't even imagine another way. President Obama depends on keeping the low, low and the high, high and that is possibly the worse thing he could do in his lifetime. The black communities voted for more hand outs not a hand up and they got what they voted for. But what does that do for the future of our country?

Now the liberals want to invite in millions of illegals who will compete for the few jobs that low income black workers might find. It is a stab in the back to the poor and to the middle class who will pay for it when the illegals figure out they can also slide rather than work.

Today I was asked again to be an associate pastor at my church. This means I would have to take courses and spend time in an outreach program. I told my pastor I will think about it but that if I ask myself what would Jesus do, which was the question he posed to me, the answer would be that Jesus would not allow such a dark ignorance and such repression to continue. I told him any light I carry would be full of truth on all levels. He is also a conservative but he doesn't preach it outright and he asked how I would go about leaving to Ceasar what is Ceasars and giving to God what is Gods. I said, Ceasar has infiltrated that which is Gods and those who belong to God have to flush him out. 

I didn't get an answer and I don't know if I will accept this position, but I will not bow to the evil in this world that would hold any good man down for any reason. 

I didn't mean to go on such a spree here but this article got me thinking about the causes and the cures for what we are experiencing. There shouldn't be these racial dividers who claim to be ministers doing nothing but causing more pain and crime that we have like Sharpton and Jackson getting away with what they are doing without voices to oppose them. I am praying about this hard. I already have my hands full with making time to spend with my daughter, the business and keeping it going but if it is God's will then I will follow the call. If it isn't God's will I will still speak my mind and follow my heart. I will never let go of my dream to just be a good man making his own way in life. The liberals will not take that away from me no matter how appealing they may make it to fall into their trap.

Linda Mihalic
West is SO qualified to be our Pres. I pray for him daily and often.
  • September 22, 2013
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William Davis Hall
I think so too. I defended him and supported his campaign even though I am not in his district. He knows the dangers of the Sharia threat. If we need any one thing right about now, that might be it.
  • September 22, 2013
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Laurel Victory
Amen! and Ditto!
  • September 22, 2013
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Safari Woman
I enjoyed reading your blog as much as I did West's article. You are both good men telling the truth and I do very much respect that.
  • September 23, 2013
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i dont remember him too much but i know what he stood for, yea i think he would roll over in his grave if he saw what the first president of color was doing.. i don't call him the first black president cuz he is not.
  • September 23, 2013
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oh and the locals here are treated the same way as blacks in inner cities on the mainland.. and most have no motivation to do anything but go to the beach all day. i was lucky too my family isn't like that except for one set of cousins but we all have a few cuz every one is related haha.. it is bad,...
  • September 23, 2013
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Carl Spencer
Between you and West, anyone reading this shouldn't have the slightest doubt about the difference between MLK's dream and the Democrat Plantation. You are correct that what a good man wants is to hold his head up and know he is making his own way. If we dream larger than that and reach it that's a b...
  • September 23, 2013
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