It is still stuck in my head and I've been looking for clues because I know it means something, I'm just not sure what. Is it a warning or a premonition or just my own suppressed fears finding an outlet? I'm not sure. But today I came across the article linked below and I just have to pray it isn't related. I don't normally give a lot of consideration to this source and possibly I shouldn't now either. (InfoWars - the first article posted. Other articles are being added if I feel they might fit)  I just feel like recording this dream and maybe have a place to list items related to things in it below to see if anything pans out.

I can understand some of the correlations to the recent development of Obama wanting to attack Syria for reportedly using chemical warfare on it's citizens. (Alledgedly)

My dream was very colorful. It was very real and full of sensations.

I seemed to be in the midwest somewhere in the middle of the desert but walking north along a boardwalk kind of storefront area that bordered a large lake. There were stores, hotels, restaraunts and the usual things one might find along such a stretch if it existed. Every thing was located on the water side and nothing was along the other side of the road. Only sparce dessert lined the other side. I was alone.

I saw that there was a long, possibly a couple of miles, road that led off west to the middle of the dessert located in the middle of this district and it went under an arch leading to what appeared to be a few houses at the end of the long road. I started down it and it was taking me a long time to get out to the houses. I saw a hand full of older men dressed in black, they appeared to be bankers or politicians or developers, what ever they were they were to themselves having a serious discussion and they seemed to be in charge of what was going on. I sumised it was a new housing development ahead. They were intimidating so I turned around to head back thinking it was taking too long anyway and I would rather be along the lakefront. But then noticing the road was yellow, similar to the yellow brick road, and how beautiful of a day it was, I decided, no, I will fulfill my original curiosity and endeavor to reach the end of this road.

I was about to pass the men who were just glancing at me with a bit of disdain, when suddenly there was a huge explosion and I saw immediately a large cloud arise up out of where the sound came from which appeared to be south of where I had turned onto this road by quite a distance but not so far that destruction didn't occur where I had been. I realized if I had turned back I might have been killed. The men looked shocked and started walking back to the lake front area. I considered doing the same but I saw the cloud spreading and heading out towards where I was and decided I didn't want that to get to me. I believe I thought it was either radioactive or poisonous. It was a brownish - yellowish color. I knew it was dangerous. I ran to the end of the road. On the way my son and a couple of friends came over the sand dunes into the road on bikes and skateboards but they took off to take shelter in one of the houses. I wondered what he was doing here from Hawaii. I made it to the end of the road.

A woman I used to work with in Hawaii was there and she was in her car as well as my daughter was there with her. We were standing by her car watching the cloud move towards us. She was crying. My daughter was just being quiet and taking it in. She said, I have to go back, my family is depending on me. I pointed out the cloud and said, no why don't we all get in your car and drive west out over the dessert until we come to a road and keep going west until we hit California and that will give us time to find out what happened and figure out our next move. It did strike me as odd that she was here in the midwest rather than Hawaii but in this dream her family was where the explosion occurred. I got a text that said every thing had been destroyed and nothing was left where the explosion was. I told her that.

As we were looking back at the town area I had left we saw a large ship being engineered to try to get it out of the water where apparently it was flipped up onto the seawall. We saw the men able to get it out and set it on the road. I said, look they have managed to save the HMS Bounty! Then a man came out of the last house which we were standing behind and he started mixing concrete for an AC pad and I said, look, see life goes on no matter what. But then he stopped and collapsed onto the hood of his car and begain sobbing hysterically.

She hugged me and was crying harder when she said, no it is my duty to my family, I have to go even if I am killed. My daughter and I decided to get a ride back to the lake side area and then we watched her drive off towards destruction. There the smoke of the exlposion was thick. I could not speak. I was trying to ask what happened and what was going on but my throat was dry and unable to form words. We realized people were lining up for busses. I tried to ask where were they going, to FEMA camps? How do you know where one will be or if you want to go? At one point I could tell things were about to get really bad and chaos was already happening with wounded and dusty people all over the place.

My daughter and I went back down the road out to where the houses were and I located the house that I thought my son had possibly gone in with his friends. There were guys laying around inside on the only thing in the houses - a few beds. As it turns out they were talking about being gay. I asked where is my son? They pointed out back. I found him sitting in a metal chair with his feet up on them hugging his knees. He seemed to be exhausted and in shock and I could tell he didn't want to be in the house with the other guys. I hugged him and said, we have to stick together lets go find a place to rest because it has been a long day. My daughter appeared and we all left through a gate which led to another part of the development that we hadn't seen before.

In this area were large apartment buildings instead of houses. We were walking across the parking area that tied them all together when a white female and black male guard saw us. The woman asked, are you a family looking for a place to rest? I said yes and she said I'll let you in this section, this is the best place for you to be. She opened the gate. As we entered the male guard told her, "You shouldn't have done that." She replied "At this point, it doesn't matter." They walked away and a black woman entered the gate at the same time. She headed off towards the center section and I noticed that the end section might have windows that faced the lake and thought maybe we could see out of them to get an idea about what was going on.

The apartments seemed to be older, lived in, red brick compared to the other more modern buildings, and they were on a mound about thirty feet high just a few feet away. The lower steps were destroyed due to the blast so I said, come on lets climb up past these first steps but we never made it over to the steps and instead climbed straight up. It was very strange as we realized the ground wasn't real but was made of a green fabric and as we pulled up some of the fabric would slide down and we would have to grasp onto it holding tight trying to get a footing to go up higher. We had to make it. There was no backing down.

Once we reached the top and entered the apartment it was through what was the back door that went straight into what was apparently a teen girl's bedroom. It was dark and dingy but decorated with a lot of cluttery things. On the dresser was a phone with a note on it that we read. It said something to the affect that her mom and dad would be home on Thursday and I thought that was sad because likely they were all killed or not able to get back in. We walked out of that room down the hall to see a couple of more bedrooms. This made me a little sad as I had thought how it would be to  lay down and sleep with my kids like we used to when they were little. I remember how safe we felt back then just being at peace together. But instead there was a room with a bed for each of us. I imagined it would be more frightful to go through the night alone.

My daughter went on ahead and went into the kitchen. We could see the living room down the hall and it had a couch, stereo and TV in it. I follwed her into the kitchen and she was looking in cupboards. I noticed that she looked so much like I did when I was her age. I said, oh good, this place has electricity at least and there will be food so we can rest for a few days to figure out what to do next. I was trying to be optimistic but this became an intense moment because the reality of what was going on finally had time to set in. It was so extreme that I woke up.

My throat was dry. (I never wake up with a dry throat.) I was clutching the sheets like I clutched the ground fabric. It was so scary and real that I jumped straight up out of bed.

That's all.....

Hopefully that really is all.. it was just a dream. 


Marge Pauls
Well, Wanda--I'll join you in prayer on this!
  • September 4, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks Marge. It may be something that needs the prayer to erase it's meaning if there was one. I mean in some ways it is pretty obvious. 
I probably need to come edit this a bit. I just wanted to get it down while I took the time tonight. After finding that article, this dream came immediately to m...
  • September 4, 2013
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Marge Pauls
That's because you've attracted a website full of pray-ers, Wanda! I know that's what I'm here for--the fun is secondary, but necessary, just the same. ;-)
  • September 4, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
- When you pray for just the right people, prayers are answered. -- and Girls just want to have fun! lol
  • September 4, 2013
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Laurel Victory
For what it's worth Safari, during prayer for last few days, my thoughts turned to nuclear plants and them needing tended to in some way but unclear as to what that was about. Just read this article and reposted. Let there be atomic bombs of prayer!
  • September 4, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
There has been a lot in the news about Fukushima. I've been thinking about it too. Being it was never known what happened, that could have just as easily been a cause as anything else might have been. Thanks for sharing what you've been thinking about. I can join you in prayers for that and it defin...
  • September 4, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Wanda...were you looking out through your own eyes at everything happening in this dream or were you a spectator watching you and your in a play? Were the colors in the dream vibrant or muted somewhat?

The reason I ask is that the first dream is lucid dreaming and I have found that when I...
  • September 4, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I was living the dream - so to speak, through my eyes and actions and it had vibrant lifelike colors. I've had prophetic dreams before. In one I saw the face of a man that I recognized when I met him a year or two later and everything I knew of him in the dream was true. I had one about my son being...
  • September 4, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I suggest then we all better be praying constantly about this. You understood what I had meant about Lucid dreaming! You have had other dreams that were warnings....I think we should keep our eyes open about this one also!
BTW....I just heard that the Senate agreed with Obi on attacking Syria. Is thi...
  • September 4, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I haven't heard that there has been a vote but I've been really busy trying to get stuff done instead of following news with the same regularity that I normally do. I haven't even read much on here either! I just have to get this done! But -  I came in to post this article - on the topic of the same...
  • September 6, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad -- we have saved the HMS Bounty. While frightening, this is still a positive dream, IMHO.
  • September 6, 2013
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