Screen Shot 2013 06 28 at 3 53 26 PM A Pox on the CDC’s Vaccination Agenda: The Rise of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)


by Sayer Ji

A new systematic review published in PLoS titled, “Herpes Zoster Risk Reduction through Exposure to Chickenpox Patients: A Systematic Multidiscplinary Review,” confirms that the widespread adoption of chickenpox vaccine over the past 30 years, which has resulted in a decline in chickenpox cases associated with infection from the wild-circulating virus, has lead to a concerning increase in the incidents of herpes zoster (shingles), a far more serious expression of chickenpox virus (varicella zoster) infection.

This new review brings to the forefront a few critically important questions: are natural infectious challenges essential for establishing a healthy immune system, and is the chicken pox vaccine doing more harm than good?

The Vaccines Don’t Work As Advertised

Despite the largely politically- and economically-motivated immunization agenda of the CDC, there is a growing body of clinical research establishing that vaccination does not effectively ‘improve upon’ or ‘replace’ natural immunity in the way that the masses have been made to assume; to the contrary, there are now hundreds of diseases that have been linked to commonly administered childhood and adult vaccines; and when we say “linked” we don’t mean anecdotally, but in the biomedical literature itself [see the data set establishing the dangers of vaccines]. Additionally, the highly respected Cochrane Database Review repeatedly contradicts the CDC’s claims by demonstrating that there is a conspicuous lack of unequivocal scientific evidence supporting their claim that influenza vaccines are safe and effective. Even worse, despite the hundreds of thousands who receive them every year, virtually no research has been performed showing them safe in children under two, the most vulnerable population.

It is therefore no surprise nor secret that the chickenpox vaccine has failed to live up to its promises.  Even the CDC’s Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases admits that “As vaccination rates have increased, the majority of varicella cases now occur among vaccinated persons.” Wouldn’t an effective chickenpox vaccine result in the majority of varicella cases occurring in non-vaccinated persons?

The Vaccines Cause The Disease They Are Supposed To Prevent

Indeed, since the introduction of universal chickenpox vaccination in the US in 1995, the vaccine has been found to have only limited effectiveness, with 1 in 5 children receiving the original vaccine experiencing “breakthrough” infections.”This is why, at present, children on the CDC’s immunization schedule receive two doses. But increasing the number of doses isn’t working either.  For example, in 2006, a chickenpox outbreak occurred in a population of Arkansas schoolchildren with 97% immunization compliance. When the researchers looked at the difference in outbreak cases between one-dose and two-dose children, none could be found.


Read more at: http://healthimpactnews.c...

I stopped getting flu shots etc BUT I did get the Shingles shot........You never know what you should do.  I think I'm just giving up on medical care completely. 
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
We have given up on getting vaccinations of any sort! No flu shots...nada! During the H1N1 supposed Pnademic, where they were using "fear mongering" to vaccinate yourself and especially your children, made me very nervous! Not of getting H1N1 itself, but of the reasons we were not being told of....w...
  • July 3, 2013
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 I went to dinner tonight with some members of my family and I was dumbfounded when my grandson told me that their 2 mo. old son got three shots today. I was sick!
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I've been blogging with a yahoo group's for parents that have children with genetic anomalies...mostly Trisomy 21 or Autism. The mom's with children who have autism all say that the problems started after the first vaccinations were given....they noticed changed in their babies. It is so scar...
  • July 3, 2013
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William Davis Hall
We are their lab rats. 
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I agree! We willingly become their lab rats and we are so much cheaper!
  • July 3, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
You would be horrified to know how little was done to test birth control pills before they were given to millions of young women . . .
  • July 3, 2013
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Just today we're hearing that Pepsi contains carcinogens and that low fat milk isn't good for us!!!!
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Just like eggs weren't suppose to be any good either! Now they are once again! I don't think low fat anything is good for anyone! Our brains need fats and sugars to function properly! We need salts for our Adrenal glands and thyroid to function properly! Everything in moderation I think...if one goe...
  • July 3, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
Big Pharma can kiss this granny's behind. I stay as far away from their poison as I can. I have to take one medication but I only take half of what is perscribed and I keep trying to improve my diet and use of herbs hoping to get off that some day. I didn't realize shingles or chicken pox was a type...
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
To tell ya the truth neither did I! I knew that shingles and chicken pox were related from the same virus...but not Herpes. Learned something new today myself.
Sometimes we must take the medication ( poison) until we can figure out how to fix the problem with other things. I'll pray that you will fi...
  • July 3, 2013
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