Wowz. Mike Zullo, sheriff Joe Arpaio's lead investigator in his cold case posse's interview. Not only the best description I've heard so far of the evidence pertaining to obama's birth certificate being a forgery, but also the account of missing flight documents from the national archives

From the Second video below: Beginning around minute mark 5:30

Host asks re investigation of flight documents: Zullo talks about investigating allegations that obama was born in Kenya. The posse asked the National Archives if they had copies of the manifest because back then it would have been only two flights, from Pan Am or TWA to Hawaii from Kenya. The National Archives responded that they didn't have the Manifest but that what they had was the INS cards on microfilm where anyone coming in (to Hawaii) had to fill out one of these cards. They requested a ten year span and there were 685 rolls of film that had to be copied for the investigation.

A researcher pulled up July 1961 - September 1961; obama's reported birthday is August 4th. The information from the INS cards from August 1st to August 10th was COMPLETELY MISSING. Those cards were BLACKED OUT! The National Archives had no explanation for this and after the team continued trying to find out what might have happened, the National Archives' attorney told them NOT TO ANSWER ANYMORE QUESTIONS.

There is MORE so much MORE! ->>>

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