It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority
I support free speech not political correctness
Caution the media is NOT a reflection of reality
ministry of propaganda
Major News Figures Tied to Obama White House
Mainstream Media is Obamas Praetorian Guard - For the Libs - that means palace guard.
Write the following words in alphabetical order - 2nd grade autistic child response
Charlie Daniels quote - News is not news anymore
What do Stalin Hitler Castro obama have in common - using kids to push gun control
The People Will Believe What the Media Tells Them They Believe ~George Carlin
Politically Correct A term used for Whiney Overly-Sensitive Pansies who Need Everything Sugar-Coated for Them
The PC Outrage Meter for Attitudes Towards Gays
What are you watching on TV tonight
My God people Have you lost your minds
There are two ways to be fooled Soren Kierkegaard Quote
Kids taught to question everything grow up to forget to apply it to government and mainstream media
For Gods Sake Trevor Always You With That Conspiracy Stuff
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