Television Programming FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Give us your power we will save you
PC Political correctness is a farce You are an American Start Acting Like One
The Aim of Public Education is to put down dissent and originality H L Mencken quote
Free Speech is the Opposite of Political Correctness
Twilight Zone - Imagine if you will a world ran by psychopaths
Why do we have wars - Answered
PC is Mind Control Used by Nazis
Make Sure Your Worst Enemy is not Living Between Your Own Two Ears
Ben Carson We the American People are not each others enemies
Write the following words in alphabetical order - 2nd grade autistic child response
Charlie Daniels quote - News is not news anymore
What do Stalin Hitler Castro obama have in common - using kids to push gun control
The People Will Believe What the Media Tells Them They Believe ~George Carlin
News source - must find accurate news source
Media - it chooses the truth you should know
Television is Mind Control TURN IT OFF!
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