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Anderson Cooper and Megyn Kelly - skeletons come out of the closet
Do you really think it is a gun problem?
What are you watching on TV tonight
Television Programming FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Give us your power we will save you
Mind Control - Same Author different perspective of Hillary and Melania wearing white
Write the following words in alphabetical order - 2nd grade autistic child response
Horror Movie soundtracks use infrasound inducing anxiety heart palpitations and shivering
Same Paper Same Date Different Markets Media Mind Control
Phrases to avoid in the University of California
The lefts war on blacks DNC NAACP ACORN Democrat plantation CJ Pearson
David Hogg and Adam Lanza look alikes DISTURBED
Weapons of Mass Deception - Mainstream News AKA Lame Stream News
Major News Figures Tied to Obama White House
When CNN uses same girl in 3 different refugee crisis pictures being saved by 3 different men
schools socialism
PC Political correctness is a farce You are an American Start Acting Like One
Bezos owns Amazon Whole Foods Washington Post
Breaking News
If NBC starts firing people for lying there will be nobody left
Is what you believe is true really true Jason Bailor
internet vs television
Innovators and creative geniuses can not be reared in school Ludwig Von Mises quote
Ben Carson We the American People are not each others enemies
Operation Mockingbird
Urinalism - aka FAKE NEWs
That time Mika Brezinski let the mind control cat out of the bag
If people can not write well they cannot think well George Orwell quote
News source - must find accurate news source
Politically Correct A term used for Whiney Overly-Sensitive Pansies who Need Everything Sugar-Coated for Them
Commie News Network flashes Psaki propaganda HOW REFRESHING barf
The More We Do To You the Less You Seem To Believe We are Doing it Joseph Mengele Quote
Television is Mind Control TURN IT OFF!
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