Bernie Sanders Economic Circle Jerk Your Free Stuff Paid for by Others
Trump for President Simpsons 2000 Shots vs Reality in 2015
Ted Cruz ten point agenda
Hitler Gained Control over Germany With the Help of the Brown Shirts
Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten
Group photo of 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls
Ben Garrison grrrgraphics Socialist Democrats Brayve New World Ocasio Cortez Marxist Donkey
Big Story Carson top ROTC student vs Obama Stoner with Communist mentor
electoral map vs crime rate
Useful idiot thinks communism equals a fair society THE GREENS
Bernie Sanders explains socialism through common core math
Mizzou Student Demands Free Bernie Sanders T-Shirt
Trump not a racist Won Ellis Island Award for Helping  Inner City Black Youth
Damned if you do or damned if you dont Trump VS Hillary
Get a clue liberals - this is why you lost
Bernie Sanders solution to corrupt government is to have more government
The New Democrat Party Assaulting Women
Bernie Sanders on Gun Control Laws
John Kasich and George Soros
Remove Trump by any means Mantra  It goes to the top
Joe Biden wrote and sponsored the 1994 Crime bill that created systematic racism for decades
Ted Cruz quote If you want to be an outsider fabulous then show me where you stood and fought against career politicians
Bernie Sanders Easter Sunday Propaganda
Vacuums created by RINOs created opportunity for Donald Trump
The message of the Democrat Party for 2020 Elections
Wendy Davis Texas Candidate Divorced Husband Day After Last Tuition Payment
Obama and Bernie make a deal with the devil for Bernies supporters
Creepy uncle Joe Biden starring as the Groper and the Diddler
John Kasich Pro Assault Ban Letter 1994 from Bill Clinton
Moving out of the country if Trump is elected President - Call Michelle
No man who does not begin every day on his knees is fit to stand in the oval office Ted Cruz quote
Young Ted Cruz
Fk The Police Flag Abusing Protester at Trump Rally in St Louis
Ohio Kasich approved Refugee plan for 120000 Muslims to settle there
Ohio Quinnipiac Poll
What do they mean when they say progressive
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