Topic: taxes

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Safari Woman

Excerpts: In the interview, Figueres discussed the need for the United States to finally sign on to a global climate treaty, the inevitability of world economies making the transition to a low-carbon future, and the need for ...
Safari Woman

This should be a crime. We need restrictions on costs of ammenities and so forth for presidents! I am realistic and realize that there is a certain amount of dignified entertainment that should occur when visiting leaders are...
Safari Woman

TRILLIONS? ARG!!! Excerpts:   Senate Budget Committee Republican staff on Thursday released a description of what they claim is a “major flaw” in the immigration reform plan being pushed by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight"--a ...
Safari Woman

500 BILLION! American please don't buy this line of BS! How much more can you afford to pay in taxes and how much more can this nation owe without cracking? JUST SAY NO! Excerpts: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cal...
Safari Woman

The first budget from Senate Democrats in four years includes nearly $1 trillion in new taxes but would not balance the budget. The blueprint unveiled by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on Tuesday to...
Safari Woman

We find a stark contrast between the results of liberal policies and conservative policies in today's news about the fiscal shape of California and Wisconsin. Lets look at the score cards, shall we? California while under De...
Safari Woman

9/26/2015 I became aware of these videos tonight when John Stossel highlighted them on his show. These are great! They portray big gov as a controlling boyfriend acting out all of the entrapments we see in the way big governm...
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