Topic: Politics

Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: The National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law nearly one year ago, upon passage it effectively erased both the Fourth and the Fifth Amendments to the Constitution. Conservative Action Alerts had several...
Safari Woman

Dear Obama Lamestream Media Lapdogs, It is because of YOU that Obama was elevated from an inept and unknown State Senator to the highest office in the country. YOU ignored his every fault and extensively promoted him in the ...

But you better. Check this out...   Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz: ‘Climate Change Is Urgent, Solvable, Human-Caused, and Real’  Th...
William Davis Hall

I can very much relate to this author's feelings although I did not grow up in the same circumstances as he did. My mother and father were both admirers of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Republicans. I grew up having to defend ...
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