Topic: obamacare

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Safari Woman

Oh but it could even be so much longer! Excerpts: • $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit. • Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases ...
Joseph Ryan

This Senate vote will determine if Mitch McConnell can get away with breaking his promise to repeal Obama care or be rewarded for It. Judge Roy is will stick to his principles and has proven it. McConnell has endorsed Luther ...
Safari Woman

We can thank Chuck Woolery for this exceptional information revealing that AARP responded to political bribes rather than members' wishes in order to support Obamacare and now it tries to distance itself from Obama because as...
Safari Woman

A look at things we can be thankful for from Obama's presidency! Three of my favorites -> 4) Thanks to, “New Coke” no longer has to bear the shame of being worst product roll-out in American history. 5) Becaus...
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