Topic: murder

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Walter D.

If you aren't already familiar with this site you will probably enjoy checking it out. There is a lot of information to learn from. The title of this blog can't cover every thing there is to learn at Skolnicks Report. Skolnic...
Safari Woman

As well he should be!  Excerpts:  Obama addressed the nation the day after video of James Foley being beheaded by ISIS jihadist was published. Obama said, 'We will be vigilant and we will be relentless . . . to see that justi...
Safari Woman

June 8th 2015 by ~Safari Woman Why did Roof decide to go off on a racist killing spree? Was it because of the confederate flag? NO Roof tells us why he did it in his manifesto. Besides the fact that he was obviously harboring...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: Serial criminal charged with capital murder after 'executing Houston cop in gas station ambush' as sheriff blames 'out of control' Black Lives Matter movement for his death Darren Goforth, 47, was gunned down from ...
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