Topic: judge

Safari Woman

LET THERE BE LIGHT! Excerpts: "I do not find it a coincidence that Eric Holder chose now to resign after Judge Bates denied the request from the DOJ to delay the release of the Fast and Furious documents. I personally think E...
Safari Woman

I don't think things are going to go in favor of the Kentucky Clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses. Here's why: According to the law of the land she was in contempt of court and is paying the penalty of being so. Ther...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson thinks the media “should all be embarrassed” for not holding the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department accountable for their lack of transparency in the Fas...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: When Federal Judge Andrew Hanen previously blocked the implementation of Obama’s sweeping immigration “executive action”, the DOJ claimed nothing had been done to begin the rules change.  However, they lied. From t...
Safari Woman

Though he ended up in the minority, one prominent judge’s dissenting opinion in a recent case is sure to earn him some support among those who question the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. The Alabama Supreme C...
Safari Woman

Chances are you now live in a ‘Constitution Free Zone’. US Federal District Judge Edward Korman, has reaffirmed an Obama admin policy that grants officials the authority to search Americans’ laptops and other electronics with...
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