Topic: illegals

Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigratio...
Safari Woman

We are constantly being told by President Obama and Republican appeasers such as Sen. John McCain, that we simply “cannot deport millions of people.” However, history has proven this to be a lie… In 1954, President Dwight D....
Safari Woman

Thank you for Greg Abbott! I fully support your postition and appreciate seeing someone with the guts to be a real man who is ready, willing and able to take on this evil plan. EXCERPTS: The incoming governor of Texas deliver...
Safari Woman

The president of the union representing immigration service agents said he is adamantly opposed to any plans by President Barack Obama to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants through executive action, the Washington Examiner r...
Safari Woman

U.S. Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, while testifying before a House panel today, indicated that the government’s ability to detect terrorists inside the homeland is hindered by sanctuary cities t...
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