Topic: Illegal Aliens

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Safari Woman

Did you watch? I didn't. Mysteriously missing from this morning's news is any report of the Nielsen ratings. Last year was a record low of 33.3 million. (Article posted below about lowest rating in 14 years is for 2014) I'm...
Safari Woman

Excerpts include the ten facts. Please read the article attached below for details. 1. This bill is amnesty.2. Democrats want this for politics.3. Latinos will not support the Republican Party if the Senate immigration bill i...
Safari Woman

Excerpts from Judicial Watch: Obama amnesty has spread like wildfire in Mexico, igniting a crisis in a border crossing overwhelmed by illegal immigrants who’ve been taught that using “key words and phrases” will allow them to...
Safari Woman

Good Grief!!!! Excerpts: Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras are promoting policies by the Obama administration that defer deportation to minors brought to the United States as children by their parents — known as "Dreamer...
Safari Woman

If you aren't familiar with the Cloward Piven strategy, this summary is a quick study of the origins and methods used. I agree with World Net Daily t...
Safari Woman

Another member here, Lee, posted this about the incorrect assumption and claim by liberals that we have to take in these illegal children crossing our border as refugees. (Here)
Safari Woman

Friends, I believe we need immigration reform but as usual as of late, the bill in question creates far more problems than it solves and the one issue it definitely does not solve is the open borders we have now. Marco Rubio ...
Safari Woman

I think it is urgent that we alert people to what is really going on here! I thought I knew this topic fairly well but some of this was shocking! Excerpts: Obama’s Immigration Bill and his ensuing amnesty are not mainly abou...
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