Topic: Communists

Safari Woman is online.

This is an outstanding informative site offering invaluable insight to the Political Left that will come in handy time and again if bookmarked. Primary Categories that Information is grouped by: Academia, Arts & Culture, Boo...
Safari Woman is online.

If my mind was in the gutter and my vocabulary limited, I might have to say that Lois Lerner is the one who is acting like an Ahole, and so is Eric Holder for not calling on a special prosecutor to look into the matter. But ...
Safari Woman is online.

On October 31st during a speech in Rhode Island, Obama called for more tax payer spending on pre-school because staying at home with the children isn't a choice that "we" want Americans to make. It isn't only Obama who is wag...
Safari Woman is online.

The article attached runs with the title, Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem, Not America's Problem. I disagree with the title. I see how Baltimore's problems were caused by liberal policies, methods and agendas, but the results...
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